
Woukie Net


I am Woukie and this is my website. I love technology, and I have a unique vision for the future.

A technologically empowered future provides an opportunity to explore the limits of human perception and productivity. I am chosen by God.

Currently developing an ML/AI-powered toothbrush that will revolutionize teeth brushing which will hopefully displace dentists all-together.

Personality Statistics

Nurture an organic, natural interest and develop a deep personal connection with me.

Interest Description
Desire Specialize in blockchain-adjacant SAAS to develop DevOps solutions to energize workplaces in a meaningfull and impactfull way.
Music Microgenres that offer traditional emphasis on meaningful lyricism.
Games I harness games that enrich the human experience. I utilize the Meta Quest 3.0.
Color #0FF1CE
Programming Paradigm OOP

The Future

I yearn for a future where my kids can rent virtual land in a virtual utopia.

I want them to spend and earn decentralized cryptocurrency through their Facebook wallets.

I want our future to be powered by Unity3D.



Frontend Neocities
Bootstrap BOOTSTRA.386 v2.3.1
WoukieBox Node.js app in a Docker container managed by Portainer
Domains Registered with Cosmotown, using Namecheap domain servers because Cosmotown is broken
Comments Simple Node.js app using Mongodb, running on Netlify
I made a tool as a gift for you.

